"A cat's love is forever!"

History of the holiday
In 2002, the International Fund for Animal Welfare called on all cat lovers and those who care about the fate of the whiskered ones to celebrate August 8 as World Cat Day. Many countries responded to this call, and now the international holiday unites owners of furry pets all over the world.
Science about cats
Not only lovers, but also scientists are interested in cats and study their anatomical and physiological features, behavioral characteristics. The science of cats is called felinology, felinus in Latin means "cat", and λόγος in ancient Greek means "word, teaching".
Cats and human health
Even in Ancient Egypt, the therapeutic abilities of this domestic animal were known. It was believed that by stroking a black cat's tail, you can get rid of a stye on the eye, and a three-colored purr can cleanse a person's body of warts. Various studies conducted by doctors prove the positive effect of cats on human health. Felinotherapy, or cat therapy, is one of the methods of zootherapy based on direct bioenergetic contact between an animal and a person. Cats have a positive effect on human mental health and help to cope with chronic fatigue, depression, and reduce stress levels. In medicine, a method of treating joint pain with low-frequency currents has long been used, and they are produced by cat fur.
Key notes
The feline family consists of 36 species.
There are approximately 600 million domestic cats worldwide. About 1 million of them live in St. Petersburg — about every fifth St. Petersburg resident is a happy cat owner.
If long-lived people live an average of 90 years, then cats live 17-20 years.
More than 10 million videos about cats are posted on YouTube. Users upload videos about their furry pets at a rate of two videos per minute.
"Cat" signs
Since ancient times, cats have been considered mysterious animals, so they are credited with various magical abilities: as if they are connected with the other world, receive and transmit information from it to people. Many peoples have developed signs and beliefs associated with cats. Here are some of them:
You can't offend cats, otherwise it can turn into trouble for a person.
Cats feel human energy very well.
It is not recommended to look your pets in the eyes, as animals perceive this as a threat and aggression towards them, and, according to the owners, they may react inappropriately.
It is also not recommended to kiss a cat on the nose. It is believed that when a person's lips and an animal's nose touch, energy leaves the person.
Many people believe that cats protect the house from negativity and evil. Therefore, in Rus' it has long been believed that before entering a new house, people need to let the purr in there.
The behavior of an animal often served as a weather forecast: if a cat sleeps, covering itself with its tail and hiding its muzzle in its paws, then it will be cold, and if it "combs" itself against the grain, it will rain; if a cat meows loudly at night, it means bad weather will last for several days; if it sneezes three times, it means the owner will catch a cold or it will rain.
It is believed that a house in which a black cat lives is protected from robbers, and a three-haired cat protects the home from fire.
It was considered a good sign for a bride if a cat sneezes next to her - the marriage promises to be successful, the husband is loving and kind, the marriage is happy for many years.
The Slavs had a custom: a newborn cannot be put in a cradle until a cat sits there. It was believed that after this the baby will sleep peacefully, and he will not have bad dreams.
Museums and monuments to cats:
In many countries of the world, museums have been created and monuments to cats have been erected. The latter are especially numerous, for example, in St. Petersburg.
A monument to the mystical Bulgakov character - the cat Behemoth - is located in Moscow on Bolshaya Sadovaya at the entrance to the Bulgakov Museum.
In Rome, an entire street is dedicated to cats.
"On this holiday, we wish all cats to have their homes, caring owners and delicious food."